On my way to Nebraska

I'm going to be away from Kincumber for the next ten weeks. Bishop Peter is supporting me in doing the first of three sessions of an MA in Christian Spirituality through Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.

I don't really know much about Nebraska - it doesn't feature on many lists of 'must-see places'. This clip shows it to be quite beautiful and as suspected, with lots of corn and some bison thrown in. This one is a tour of Omaha.

I'm grateful for the opportunity. I look at so many people I know who have done their masters degrees while still working full time, and I realise what a privilege it is going to be to put my life and go and be fully immersed in the study. To live on campus, to eat every day with my fellow students will give lots of opportunities for sharing and learning.

I'll be posting some of what I learn and experience while I'm there so that my family, friends and parishioners can see what I'm up to. I wrote a similar blog ten years again when I was studying in Chicago, and it proved to be both a good way of communicating to everyone back home, but also a good exercise for me to distill my learnings and experiences into a small post. Aristotle thought that "the unreflected life is hardly worth living", a blog is a good way of being reflective.


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