The Spiritual Exercises

Any way of prayer or mediation may be considered a spiritual exercise. Just like physical exercise it helps to have a plan, a coach and some discipline.

The Spiritual Exercises (notice the capitals) are a series of meditations and contemplations which 16th century St Ignatius of Loyola composed from his own prayer experience, and then taught to his followers, who became the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits).

The Exercises are mostly contemplations of scenes in the gospels, where we are to use our imagination to place ourselves within the scene so as to meet Jesus intimately, allowing the gospel account to unfold as we watch, listen, feel and take part. Following the contemplation of the scene is a prayer dialogue with Jesus about whatever we experienced and learned.

Woven throughout the program of gospel scenes which Ignatius chose are some specific meditations on sorrow for sin, choosing to follow Jesus, and then giving yourself wholeheartedly to Jesus.

The Exercises can be done during a 30 day retreat where at least 5 hours  per day is given to these exercises, or over 30 weeks were an hour a day is given, 5 days a week.

I am taking a class on The Spiritual Exercises, and in many ways it is the cornerstone of this program. It is the basis for the method of spiritual direction which are learning. I have  never done The Exercises in their entirety but many of the elements are quite familiar, having been taught to me in pieces over the years. Still, I hope to do the 30 week version over the next 12 months before I return for the second year of the program.


  1. I can see that is exercising like this that takes you from the perspective of the friends lowering the mat, to being the man on the mat. Sounds like a great plan Jim.

  2. Sounds like a good resolution Jim.xx

  3. Sounds like a good resolution Jim.xx

  4. Hi Jim, just back in Oz yesterday and thanks to the good ol' Jet Lag, I have plenty of free time (between 3am and 6am) to catch up on your blog. It was great to read all your posts and reading them consecutively gave me a great view of your feeings and emotions as they changed, great stuff. Thansk for all the posts, there is lots of great insight there and I am grateful for you sharing. I have gone back and commented a few, so in the unlikely event you get 'bored' again, or the LIKELY event that you need something to read at 3am during mid August, please feel free to look back. Look fwd to catching up once you settle back in back home, I have a few spiritual trip experiences to share with you myself. Catch you soon : )

  5. PS I do know of Saint Ignatious as I use Loyola Press' "Sacred Space" for my daily readings & meditations. Its a great app and thoroughly recommended. It was invaluable overseas where I could grab a 10 min time out to share my touring with the Lord.

    Also we did a reading 'exercise' at Men Alive weekend and it is great. You insert yourself as a character in the scripture verse and evaluate how you would have reacted and poss how you should react and then discuss in prayer with the Lord. It makes the scriptures so much more relevant and meaningful to you by beaing a part of it.

    Cant wait to see all the new ideas and innovations you will bring back with you, it's going to be great, especially Finding Dory, I'll have to watch it now : )

    PSS I Love all the old Disney movies and bawl my eyes out in Bambi, Jungle Book, Lion King etc. I'll stop rambling now!!

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    Understanding and acceptance


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