What to say to a homeless person

Christ in the City, a Catholic urban ministry offers some tips for how a Catholic can relate to a homeless person on the street, something which many of us find deeply uncomfortable:

1. Ask the person’s name, remember it, and greet them if you see them again. The usual social etiquette of meeting and greeting is often foreign for homeless people. Some of them report not hearing their own name spoken for weeks on end.
2. Reach out and offer a handshake. Again, homeless people often never receive this most basic act of physical connection with another person. This simple gesture breaks a barrier and expresses that you recognize their dignity. One moment of awkwardness for you can be the highlight of the day for him or her.
3. Give something other than money. Many people are wary, and sometimes for good reason, of giving money which may be spent on alcohol or drugs. But to give food, such as a banana or a chocolate bar can make a difference. Personal items such as socks, a toothbrush, or a beanie in winter are also very well received.


  1. Every day as I walk through Central Station I see the same characters. Not wanting to just throw money at what I saw, I just didn't know what to do. Thanks for sharing this information.

  2. After a few days of making eye contact and exchanging pleasantries, I met Dave today. It was nice to introduce myself, shake his hand, and give home a few dollars for his morning coffee. He was really great full for me taking the time today.
    Thanks Jim.

  3. Hey Dominic I'm really pleased you've been able to meet Dave in this way. I've met a local homeless guy called John these past couple of weeks too, and I'm glad that I read this piece too.


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