President Trump

Image result for trumpLike so many people I was astonished last November that Donald Trump was voted president of the US. In hindsight, President Trump won by doing what President Obama did eight years earlier: mobilising a cohort of people who usually didn't vote. In Obama's case it was young people, poor people and black people. I remember this well; I was in Chicago in 2008 and my friends who had never voted before were registering to vote. In Trump's case, it was the blue collar unemployed, racists and the anti-government fringe. 

So, while lots of us are wringing our hands or expecting the apocalypse, the ever magnanimous Pope Francis has wise words for us "Wait and see".

In an interview reported by the Catholic News Service he said

Being afraid or rejoicing beforehand because of something that might happen is, in my view, quite reckless," the pope said. "We will see. We will see what he does and then we will judge -- always on the concrete. Christianity either is concrete or it is not Christianity."

The full article is here.


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