The Men's Gatherings

Last year our parish hosted a Men Alive weekend, where 45 men aged from 19 to 90 gathered to learn from Jesus and one another how to be the best man, husband and father they can be.

Each month since then we've had a monthly gathering for the men of the parish, not just those who did the weekend, where we've had mass and discussion time. 

We met this week and shared on the passage from Hebrews 11 which lists so many of the heroes of faith, contrasting this with what Bishop Robert Barron calls "the Homer Simpsonisation of men", where in lots of media especially comedies women are smart and virtuous and men are stupid and selfish. We each shared about a man of faith who had been an influence on us, whether a saint or someone in our own lives.

As we spoke one younger man who was there for the first time spoke about a couple of personal issues, and one of the older men sitting across from him replied with affirmation, challenge, and the advice to take his questions to God in prayer. Later as we broke up he sat with another of the older men who was sharing his own wisdom with him. I was struck by what a graced moment this was, that we were in fact doing what the bible passage was about; being a witness to one another, and I was so proud that this is who we are as a church.


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