Lessons from history
Today I was reading an article by an American religious commentator concerned with the large numbers of migrants coming into the country, staying in blocs together, not assimilating and causing problems because of their religion. Does this sound familiar to Australians? But the article was from the 1880s, the commentator was a Methodist, and the problem migrants were Catholics of Irish and Italian descent. It reminded me yet again that we need to look at questions of migration and Islam through the long lens of history and not the myopic lenses of Jones, Bolt, Abbott and Trump. We as Catholics were once perceived as a problem too. What can we do to welcome, engage and embrace migrants of Muslim faith, who have every bit as much right to migrate to Australia as did our Irish and English ancestors? Well, this month is the Ramadan fast. If you know a Muslim, or you see one and don't know what to say, say "Ramadan mubarak" which is pretty much "happy Ramadan...