Personal bests

It's been a couple of days of personal bests. Not in terms of race times or anything else we might consider to be PB. But some of the best things I've experienced in the past month.

1. We are spoiled for choice with Masses here. I go to one of them most days. Yesterday I went to the 5pm weekday Mass for the first time. And it was wonderful. It was in a small chapel with comfortable seats. There were about 20 people which the priest said was a lot for the summer. It was just the most prayerful, intimate, beautiful Mass I've been to since I've been in the US. The priest, one of the Jesuits, Fr Steve just prayed the prayers of Mass so slowly and gently it was as if he was dropping every word into my soul. It was intimate and soul touching. I'll keep going to 5pm.

2. It's cooled down a little from the consistent run of 35 degree days, enough that I went for a good long run last night. Something I haven't been doing much of for awhile. It's only about a mile to the Missouri River so I ran down there and did about 10km. It felt great to stretch my legs and work my lungs.

3. My friend Michael de Stoop and I had the best, most connected conversation we've ever had. We've been friends since seminary but the nature of this course is to challenge people to be reflective and to grow spiritually, and this atmosphere invites good honest conversations. Michael's ever deepening insight over the past three years as he's done this course is what inspired me to do it too, so it was poignant that we could share more deeply as a result of it.

4.  Not really a PB, but Finding Dory, the sequel to Finding Nemo is fantastic. A bit slow in the first half maybe, but then it takes off. I cried. If you've seen it, then you'll probably know the bit I mean, one of the most beautiful depictions of patient, gentle love I've seen on screen. I'm sure you'll be hearing about it in a sermon some time soon


  1. Great PB's mate.
    I'm looking forward to seeing Finding Dory now.
    As for your 5pm mass I too love a spiritual mass where we can reflect on the words of this sacred ritual and not just power through as if we have somewhere better to be.

    Have a great weekend, by the way how are the reading and studying going?

    Cheers mate

  2. Great read : )
    I went to a couple of Maltese masses, one at the church where Mum & Dad grew up in - very emotional. Will pass on some more detials & other stories when we catch up back home. Dory is now on my movie priority list before you get back. Thanks for the blog.


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