The Ball Game

Every year Omaha hosts the baseball College World Series. College sport seems to be a big thing here in the US, more so than in Australia. I don't think people pay money to watch Macquarie Uni play RMIT in soccer, for instance. But it's a very US thing to do, so on Friday night I went to see two teams I've never heard of play I game I barely understand.

But it was a great night! Americans do atmosphere very well. The stadium was full. It was a balmy summer evening as the sun set below the western bleachers. There's a palpable sense of excitement. People are chomping down in stadium food which all seems to be variations of deep fried something covered in the thick dark yellow cheese Americans seem to love. The game moves quickly, much more so than cricket, with teams alternating pitching and hitting between each innings (equivalent of an over in cricket), and musical interludes between each innings. The ball is often hit into the crowd and it was just a few seats away from me a couple of times which gives a sense of being close to the action.

In a game between Texas Christian University and Coastal Carolina I chose Carolina simply because I've been there, and not to Texas, and lo and behold Carolina won. They've turned out to be the underdog champions of the tournament and now everyone here is talking about them and their chances.

Given my complete lack of interest in sport of any kind it was just fun night out participating in American culture.


  1. What a great experience Jim, very American. This is definitely on my bucket list to do if ever we get to the U.S.
    I know Neil went to one when he was in the U.S. many many years ago and absolutely loved the atmosphere they really know how to put on a sporting game. Soak it all up.

  2. I love the traditions that goes with it. Crackerjack (pop corn and peanut) and the "take me out to the ball game" song at the bottom of the seventh known as the seventh inning stretch! Lots of fun.

    1. Always wondered what crackerjack were - thanks Domonic.

  3. So glad you enjoyed the experience - that is on my bucket list too (and an NFL game). Just caught up with last few posts too. Great insight into all that you are doing, so thanks for sharing. God Bless : )


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