Packing my bags

For two weeks before I left for the US people at home were asking me "have you packed your bags yet?". I resisted packing until the last day because I think the physical actions of packing lead to the emotional pack up as well - checking out and no longer being present where I am.

So for the same reason I have been holding off packing my bags here. I want to stay present and enjoy every last minute of this wonderful adventure. But the time has come.

I've had to work out what to do with some of the things I've bought while here: kettle, coffee mugs, reading lamps; stuff which is too big to fit in my bag, but too good to throw away. Fortunately one of the few locals from Omaha in our classes, Coco, has kindly offered to store a box full of stuff for Kevin and I till next year.

Packing these things has, as I knew it would, brought up the sadness of leaving for me. I have so many people I am looking forward to seeing back home (family, friends, 600 parishioners), but for the past two months this has been my life, quite an intense and focused time, and it is something I am going to miss. I will miss the rhythm of life here, of sharing meals, of going to Mass, of learning and being challenged in class. I will miss all the good people here, especially my roommate Kevin, with whom I've formed a really good friendship by virtue of sharing life together and talking a dozen times a day. He and I were randomly assigned as room mates this year as neither of us knew anybody else,  but we can nominate to share again next year. Kevin will draft the room mate agreement! (Big Bang Theory reference).

I know I will feel a pang of sadness when I get on the plane tomorrow to fly out (the first of three flights in 24 hours), just as I did leaving Chicago 8 years ago. But now, as with then, and as I did on the flight on the way here, I will go to God in prayer and know that it is my relationship with Him which sustains me here, there, or 30,000 feet in the air.


  1. Jim, it has been a pleasure to read this blog. I look forward to catching up and filling out some of the stories, plus hearing about the ones that didn't make it to print.
    God bless your travel.

  2. Amen Domonic. Safe flight Jim and see you soon. I am still suffering from Jet lag, so if you need someone at 3am .......


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