Never see a need.....

Avid readers of the blog (all three of you) might remember that when I first arrived here in Omaha there was nothing ready in the dorm room, not even toilet paper, and nobody around who could give any information. I felt quite lost and wrote about here.

I soon discovered that lots of us who had arrived at different times had the same experience. I raised this at the student board meeting and we agreed that someone should do something. And apparently the previous year group had the same experience and also thought someone should so something. Nothing happened though, because in a big system like a university the people who coordinate the program of study aren't the people arrange the accommodation.

Following the maxim of St Mary of the Cross "never see a need and not do something about it", a couple of us have made up an information sheet which will be in each room next year with simple things like where the nearest shops and take away food places are, how to operate  the washing machines, and yes, where the toilet paper is.

The other part though is just to have someone here when people arrive. I know I'll need to arrive in the US a few days early to adjust to the time zone, so I've volunteered to get here on the Friday night before the first week, so that as people arrive over the weekend there's someone around to say hi, welcome, let me show you around.



  1. Jim there are at least 4 of us. Thank you for sharing your wonderful journey & a safe trip home.

  2. Sounds like some great ideas Jim. Well done.

  3. Good on you Jim, a very nice touch, especially the toilet paper - LOL

  4. Of course you volunteered….


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