Day 1

Today was my first day back at Creighton. As I sat down to pray in front of the window in my room this morning I realised that all the travelling, the planes, the shuttle buses, the queues and the security checkpoints are over. I have arrived, and I can sit in this chair for the next 55 days.

So I'm unpacked and set up, and ready to begin. I'm still not quite adjusted to the timezone, waking up a few times during the night, but I'm getting back to sleep rather than being awake from 2am - 5am as I was on my first night.

Last year I was disappointed by the lack of hospitality for new students, so this year my classmate Coco and I have tried to do something about it, having welcoming information in each room, having a gathering yesterday afternoon and taking people on tour to find their buildings. The program does have an official orientation and welcome dinner on the Sunday afternoon, but we wanted to make sure that the people who arrived on Friday or Saturday didn't have to wait 2 days to find out where anything is. The gathering and the tour went well and it as satisfying to be able to do this for others.

It has also been a day of joyful reunions friends from last year.

It's now time for bed, and hopefully, a good night's sleep before class begins tomorrow.


  1. Jim,
    Today's reading of the beatitudes I think works well with what you and Coco have done for the others.
    Like Sister Mary MacKillop said, never see a need without doing something about it. Well done.
    May these next 55 days be filled with the spirit, and may you enjoy the journey as much as we enjoy reading about it.
    God bless you

  2. You always follow through, with integrity and energy, Jim. One of your mightiest qualities I think. God bless the learning and relationships.


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