
First step in my journey is two days in Chicago, both to start to adjust to the timezone (15 hours behind Sydney) and to visit my friends TC & Romana. I'm staying at an Airbnb apartment around the corner from their house as they have a studio apartment and a two year old, and I know my sleep will be all over the place.

I did better than I usually do on the flight over, immediately setting my watch to Chicago time and trying to sleep and wake those hours. It meant sleeping from 4pm - 9pm Sydney time, then waking up and staying awake. I got to sleep when I arrived at my flat, but woke up at 2am and was awake for 3 hours. 4pm in the afternoon then becomes the time I want to crash, but I'm resisting the urge for a nap and hoping that I reset my body clock in the coming days.

The US school summer holidays have begun, so TC is off work, so we did an architecture cruise up the Chicago River on Thursday and saw the Chicago Cubs play baseball at the iconic Wrigley Field (yes, like the chewing gum). The weather here is a beautiful 75F/25C so great weather for both.

I also went for a run along all the places which hold memories for me; the lakefront where I used to run, the CTU building where I lived in 2007-08, my friends' apartments at the Lutheran college where we used to hang out a lot, and went to Mass at St Thomas the Apostle Church where I used to go.

It has been a lovely few days and I'm ready to go to Omaha early tomorrow (Saturday) morning.


  1. Sounds like you are off to a great start. Fresh air, sunshine and 9 innings at Wrigley! Love it.


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