
I did better than I usually do on the flight over, immediately setting my watch to Chicago time and trying to sleep and wake those hours. It meant sleeping from 4pm - 9pm Sydney time, then waking up and staying awake. I got to sleep when I arrived at my flat, but woke up at 2am and was awake for 3 hours. 4pm in the afternoon then becomes the time I want to crash, but I'm resisting the urge for a nap and hoping that I reset my body clock in the coming days.

I also went for a run along all the places which hold memories for me; the lakefront where I used to run, the CTU building where I lived in 2007-08, my friends' apartments at the Lutheran college where we used to hang out a lot, and went to Mass at St Thomas the Apostle Church where I used to go.
It has been a lovely few days and I'm ready to go to Omaha early tomorrow (Saturday) morning.
Sounds like you are off to a great start. Fresh air, sunshine and 9 innings at Wrigley! Love it.