The storm
The storm which was brewing as I wrote my last post on Friday night hit with force, and I watched from my window as the sky turned dark, the rain pelted driven by the wind, and there was nearly constant lightning and thunder. We found out later that there was damage and a couple of small tornadoes out in the suburbs.

But the storm passed, and the sky lightened, and I went out for an evening run. It was spectacular. The sky was doing amazing things, with the setting sun coming in underneath a layer of mammatus cloud which I have never seen before. Mammatus clouds are like udders handing from the sky. Then there was the biggest rainbow I've ever seen, a perfect half circle, not flattened, because the setting sun was on the horizon, and the the storm itself moving out into the distance.
Thanks for all the updates, i love reading about all that you are up to. WOW - the mammatus cloud sounds amazing. I have never heard of them either, so isn't amazing that Creation can still fill us with awe in new and spectacular ways. Was that a real photo or a downloaded image? Thanks for sharing and good luck with the new routine.