The First Week

The first week at Creighton is always busy as both the returning students like us and the new students go to various orientation sessions as well as unpacking, buying supplies and working out the technology. Add in jetlag for lots of us and we usually finish pretty tired. It's Friday night as I write this. We've had our end of week social gathering and now at 7.30pm people are retreating to their rooms. There's a wild midwest storm brewing and the air is thick so we're grateful for the the airconditioning.

It's taken one week to get my head in the time zone, and I've slept through the past two nights which is great after waking up nearly every hour for the first two nights. How on earth do parents of newborns sustain that for months on end? I thought I would have had the longest journey to get here, but no, that prize belongs to 5 Ugandan nuns who flew Nairobi to Frankfurt to to Chicago to Omaha, taking more than 28 hours, and 2 Nigerian priests who flew from Lagos to Ankara to Houston to Omaha taking more than 30 hours.

So I'm now in routine, which on an average day is:

6am wake up to sun streaming into the room (it's mid summer here at 41 degrees north)
7am prayer
8am 2 hours of reading
10am Discernment of Spirits class (2 hours)
12pm lunch at cafeteria
1.30pm Pre-practicum class (2 hours)
3.30  1 hour reading
5pm Mass
6pm Dinner at cafeteria
6.30pm Up to three hours of reading. Exercise if there's time (it's light till 9.30pm)

I was excited today to have 30 minutes clear before the afternoon class when I had done all my reading and there was nothing else I had to do! I celebrated by doing some cleaning.

But now, it is the weekend, and while I still have some reading to do and two papers to write, there will be some free time to enjoy too.


  1. Sounds full on, Jim. I hope you have a very worthwhile time.

  2. Hey Mate,
    That's a tight schedule, I'd reckon you could do a 1hr run a few days with a 5am rise! Nothing better than seeing the sun rise while out enjoying Gids creation. Plus too much reading and not enough fresh air will turn you stale.
    God bless your next week.
    Dominic P.

  3. How lovely to have some nuns around....the kids would be excited to see one let alone five!
    I think the tip for surviving sleep deprivation could be summed up in the following...."All you need is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus! "☕📿 (and sleep whenever you can get it☺)
    The days look to be busy. No doubt the routine will become a familiar rhythm to enjoy being immeresed in.


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